Legal Notices
Representative of
The owner of the website is Poly-Wood with a capital of 65 400€.
RCS Nantes : 750 884 140
Head office : 3, Rue Henri Guillaumet Bâtiment B - 44700 ORVAULT
You can contact us at the cordinates mentioned on our page contact us.
This website is hosted by
The website was created by Poly-Wood.
Website registered at the CNIL n°1594228. In accordance with the law « data processing and freedoms » from 6 january 1978 modified in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, that you can exercise by contacting us at the above address.
Responsible of publication : Pascal ALBERT
Poly-Wood strives to provide correct, complete and update information on his website. The company is not immune to error or oversight. The online information can therefore not be considered as a guarantee.
The presence of hyperlinks on the Poly-Wood website doesn't make the company responsible for the content of the websites to which it proposes these links. It is also responsability of the user to take the necessary precautions to ensure the absennce of viruses on the websites visited.
Poly-Wood reserves the right to change the website and terms of use without notice.
Intellectual property - Copyright
The website is a artwork of the company Poly-Wood. It is exclusive property of Poly-Wood. The trademarks, logos and graphic design used on this website are also the property of Poly-Wood. They may not be used by third parties without written permission from a representative of Poly-Wood.
Adhésion VALOBAT (Eco-contribution REP PMCB)
Conformité REP PMCB (Responsabilité Elargie du Producteur pour les Produits et Matériaux de la Construction et du Batiment). L'identifiant unique prévu à l'article L. 541-10-13 du code de l'environnement, attestant de la conformité de POLY-WOOD à ses obligations en tant que Vendeur, est le suivant : FR330628_04TBOR. POLY-WOOD est adhérent VALOBAT.